Monday, May 21, 2007

Back Where I Started

Well, the countdown begins! I have three weeks left at Patty Cake Preschool. But this week, instead of getting geared up to say "goodbye" to my kids - I get to say "hello" to a baby! One of my families has a two-month-old, Mom has been taking maternity leave and staying home with him, but she's a teacher and needs to return to school for the final weeks. I was elated when she asked if I could take him a couple of days a week! (Dad is staying home on other days.)

17 years ago I opened my family child care business with one client - a two month old baby! So here we are, all these years later, ready to close the doors, and I get the opportunity to open my door, and open the world, for one more baby before I go! I feel so blessed. I can't think of a better way to spend my last day than holding a baby and hanging out with the kids I've loved for years.

But if I'm honest, I'd have to admit it makes it a bit hard too. Nothing gets me going more than looking into the eyes of a newborn and seeing all those possibilites. All the joyful days watching butterflies, giggling at the older kids doing a show, learning those first words, taking those first steps, petting a cow for the first time, watching a plane take off and land and take off again, putting on a real fireman's helmet, throwing toys in the wading pool to see which float and which sink, slapping paint on a sheet with a fly swatter, making that first handprint in clay to give to Mom on Mother's Day. So much to show them, to teach them, to share with them. I love the infinite possibilities in an infant's eyes. So I have to admit, knowing I won't have the chance to offer these experiences to this little guy tugs at my heart.

But also, knowing I DID do all these things and more with his older sister tells me that she's got it in her to open that door to the world for him. I know each of my kids has in them the desire to keep going with what I started. They know that being curious can lead to knowledge and adventure. They know that being creative can solve their problems and add beauty to our world. They know that being courteous is the foundation for friendship and the most effective form of communication. They know. And they'll spread the word, I can count on it.

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