Friday, August 14, 2009

Vehicle Alarm Requirement in Wisconsin

Many of you have written to me with concern over the new rule here in Wisconsin that requires all child care providers, centers and schools caring for young children and transporting more than 6 at a time to install a vehicle alarm. The alarms are designed to go off if the driver leaves the vehicle and a child remains inside in order to protect children from being left in hot vehicles or forgotten. It is a reaction to an incident here in Wisconsin that led to a child's death.

Many family child care providers are particulary upset by this since the cost of the alarms is around $100, a hefty sum for those in this business. Some are questioning whether or not to continue to offer field trips in their program. Some are even questioning whether or not to remain licensed, or to switch to unregulated (legal) care.

The information on this ruling, and a list of sources for obtaining an alarm are posted on the Department of Children and Families website at:

Personally, I would have remained licensed - my program was always about quality and I'm a firm believer that being licensed and NAFCC Accredited are symbols of this quality. Also, I would have installed the alarm, despite the high cost. I am also a firm believer in field trips, so I figure if I broke down the 52 field trips I took each year, it would cost me $2 per field trip to afford the alarm. I'd happily pay someone $2 to get to do a field trip anytime.

In the end, it's about priorities, I've shared mine, now I'd love to hear yours! What do you think about this rule? Do you have it in your state? If you don't, and it was introduced, what would you do? If you live in Wisconsin, what do you plan to do about it? Let's talk.